Wow! It's amazing to think we're halfway through this year's Open competition. Before we know it time will be up and submissions will close for the 2022 Open competition. Don't delay in preparing your entry.
As you know, at the start of every week we've been sharing some of the most striking shots entered into the Sony World Photography Awards Open competition and now it's time to showcase the strongest shots from September. Each lucky entrant receives a free image bundle to enter more than the standard three images for free.

Well done Swe Tun from Myanmar, you win a FREE 50 image bundle to enter 50 more images to our Open competition, plus exposure on our online platforms!
This picture was taken on May 2, 2021. The portrait is of twin sisters at a Buddhist monastery near Hpa-an Township in Myanmar.
Nice job Manuel Ruiz from Argentina! You win a 20 image bundle.
This image was taken during the lockdown in Argentina. I feel it effectively shows how normally a really crowded place can suddenly be empty.
Bravo Grant Galbraith from Australia! You win a 10 image bundle.
Bombo Quarry on the south coast of New South Wales in Australia is a spectacular site in a large swell. The whole location comes alive and surges and sways as the ocean erupts over the basalt walls protecting the old quarry. I chose a faster shutter speed than normal to capture the mood and portray this sense of movement.