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Professional highlights #1 - 2019 Sony World Photography Awards

6 years ago

Welcome to our new series showcasing the Professional entries from the 2019 Sony World Photography Awards. Our editors will be choosing a wide variety of their favorite submissions to this year's competition. These will then be guaranteed to go through to the final round of judging, along with the other fantastic submissions, when the competition closes on 11 January, 2019. 

The Professional competition recognizes outstanding bodies of work (between 5-10 images) and is free for everyone to enter. You don't need to be a "professional" photographer to enter, you just need to have a great series of work! 

This month's chosen photographers are: Dimitri BourriauAlexander H. Nemeth, Annelie Vandendael, Michel Leroy, and Ken Dyball. Scroll down to see their fantastic work... 


Dimitri Bourriau -
Category: Architecture

Dimitri was born in Nantes in 1983. This French photographer and urban explorer, who also goes by the name of his brand Jahz (Jahz Design) is a multifaceted self-taught artist based in France. His freelance artworks cover, among other things: design, fashion, and photography.

About the series: 
"The most beautiful places in Portugal."



Alexander H. Nemeth -
Category: Architecture

Alexander H. Nemeth is an Austrian photographer. After completing his studies in photography, he found his passion for architectural photography in particular. When he is not shooting architectural photography, he enjoys black and white work in many themes.

About the series:
"Architecture in black and white. See and feel the lines and shapes of the building."




Annelie Vandendael -
Category: Brief

Annelie Vandendael was born in Belgium (19.10.1987) and grew up in the South of France. After college, she came back to Belgium to study at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Kask) in Ghent where she got a master degree in Photography. Image-making has always been a passion of her. After finishing her studies, she was invited to ‘La Fabrica’, the Benetton Communication and Research Center in Treviso, Italy.  

About the series:
"Nowadays it is no longer obvious to see real images because they are all manipulated and photoshopped. Representing real people with their imperfections is far more interesting for me! I depict the human being rather as a piece of nature than as an object. It is a reaction against examples of fashion photography in which the personality of the individual is irrelevant."




Michel Leroy -
Category: Creative

Michel Leroy is a New York-based entertainment and advertising photographer with a produced style that captures an authentic connection to real personalities. From celebrity chefs to Olympic athletes, Michel's images reveal a level of comfort and intimacy shared amongst friends.

About the series:
"The Alchemy series explores the singular beauty of the human form. Moments of sculptural balance and anticipation define the graceful lines and impossible gestures of these vivid B&W images."




Ken Dyball -
Category: Natural World & Wildlife

About Ken: "The couple’s dream is to be able to share their extraordinary experiences with all that are interested. Whether that’s in the form of visiting their exhibitions and enjoying the realism of staring into their images, or for the more adventurous, accompanying them on safari."

About the series:
"A 2-year project for gallery exhibitions, focused on the dry lake-bed of Lake Amboseli Kenya. During the dry season Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra & Wildebeest make the daily trek across the dry lake bed to reach the evergreen swamps fed by melting snow from Africa's highest mountain, Mt Kilimanjaro. Lake Amboseli's dry lake bed is hot, dry, windy & dusty, unforgiving for the weak."