As many of us turn to creativity to stave off boredom during lockdown, it's a great opportunity to delve into all of the previously paid-for online content many companies and services are now offering for free. We've picked four photography focused websites that are sure to take your mind off the news and start thinking about your next photography projects.
As part of their #FOAMATHOME campaign, Foam magazine have released all of their archived content free and accessible online. The gallery is digitizing their current exhibition Discover On Earth – Imaging, Technology and the Natural World as a slideshow tour and artists shed light on their works exhibited via Foam's Instagram platform.

A wonderful, thoughtful, online journal by Eddie Ephraums. A creative who uses photography, writing, photobook making, consulting, printing and teaching to develop his vision, don't expect a superficial look at how to use your skills and imagination here. Designed like a book, Eddie's website is also a joy to look at. Read more here.

Check out our Stay Connected page where every day during the working week we bring you inspiration so you keep taking pictures. Don't miss Wednesdays our #SWPA showcase day and Thursdays, when we hold Portfolio Reviews. More information on our varied programme can be found here.

The online platform for contemporary photographers has started up its weekly check-ins, to connect you with their digital schedule alongside news and opportunities from their friends. Shoair Mavlian, Director of Photoworks is running weekly Instagram Live events where she speaks to a photographer launching a new book - virtually. Discover more here.