Albert Dros, a Global Imaging Ambassador for Sony Netherlands, works on projects which ranging from purely landscape to artistic abstraction, in which he is pushing the boundaries of photography.
“I love shooting when the lights go down. The night offers tons of possibilities for photography. Whether it’s shooting a cityscape during blue hour or in the night, shooting the full moon or the stars on a beautiful clear night; there is always something to shoot! Taking photos in low light requires a different approach than taking photos during the day. It takes more patience, skill and dedication. Going out in the middle of the night or waking up hours before sunrise is often part of the deal. Longer shutter speeds are often used, sometimes in combination with a higher ISO. It is important to know your camera and know what it is capable of to achieve the best end result possible.
I’m always amazed how much data and detail cameras can capture these days. Seeing the image on my display after I've pressed the shutter always gives me great satisfaction because the human vision is not that great in the darkness. I love to challenge myself and take impressive shots that need a lot of pre-planning during the night. These variety of images are a representation of my work during low light photography."
