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Exploring the unsurpassed of grandeur of Yosemite

6 years ago

Jack Moriarty grew up in California, calling the forests, mountains, deserts, and beaches his home. He says, "Once I became more interested in photography, I would revisit these places that I knew so well as a child and try to express through a photo how I have grown to remember them personally. Naturally, new experiences and places come into play, and photography for me was then a tool to record what I felt experiencing new things for the first time. It is a priceless habit of creation that I would not trade for anything."

We featured Jack for a week on our Instagram feed. Here we catch up with to find out more about the work we showcased. 

Hi Jack. Please introduce your self and your photography to our audience 

I'm in my early twenties here in California. I primarily am known for my landscape photography, however, I enjoy all types.

Tell us about the series of images we featured. Do you have a favourite, and why?

I'd have to say either 'Yosemite Valley after morning rain' or 'Golden sunset on Taft Point'. Both started as ideas long before they were taken. I wanted to represent these places as I remembered them, but I didn't quite know how. They both came from being alone in Yosemite. I was just thinking and walking and boom, there was the scene I pictured in my mind, except it was more real than I could have imagined. They're some of my favorite memories. 


Why photography? What does the medium mean to you?

There's so much to photography that my words could never do justice to. All I can say is that in comparison to other artistic mediums, when you manage to capture something that evokes emotion in another, using a strictly motionless medium, it resonates in an interesting way. If a great photo communicates a soothing silence, you can hear it, or if it communicates heartache, you can feel it. All this in a way that in comparing it to film, it doesn't quite resonate the same way. You are required to attach your own inner-voice to the photo and make it intimate with your imagination.


Do you have a photographic philosophy?

The best things come when you have no expectations. Put yourself in the right situation and the photos will come to you.

What inspires you?

People, old and new photographers, musicians, filmmakers, old films, and books. When you're in a frame of mind you tend to seek out that essence everywhere you go; I find it easiest to remove myself from myself in these places.



