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Features, interview and round ups to inspire you 

2 years ago

Our weekly round-up of the best images entered into the 2023 Open competition is back! Has your image risen to the top? 

2 years ago

Before you put together your entry for the Professional competition, check out our top tips for one of the most creatives stages as a photographer

2 years ago

Photographers are largely visual thinkers, so writing about a project can be a challenge. We give you a few pointers to help you express your imagery through the written form

2 years ago

With just six days left to enter Picture This we put judge Cynthia Yue in the spotlight, where – as well as sharing her fascinating work – she reveals her top tips for entering 

2 years ago

We speak to Connor Franta, who has amassed more than 20 million followers across his social platforms, about what he'll be looking for when judging Picture This 

2 years ago

We put Picture This judge Anjali Patel in the spotlight and ask her quick-fire questions

